As a former prosecuting attorney, Jeffrey Franklin is aware of the tactics prosecutors use, as well as the full array of sentencing alternatives that are available. He will use his firsthand knowledge of the “other side’s” strategies to fight for your rights, win you the best deal, get sanctions reduced, and – if your case warrants it --even win a dismissal.

Call Franklin Law now if you or a friend or family member has been charged with a criminal offense, whether a misdemeanor or felony, including:
Minor in Possession of Alcohol
Possession of Drugs
Assault and Battery
Retail Fraud
Disorderly Person
Driving While License Suspended
Criminal Sexual Conduct
Armed Robbery
Operating While Intoxicated
Even if you have already been found guilty of one of the above charges, a good attorney is able to prepare sentencing documents which could drastically reduce the sanction that is levied by the Court.
The Michigan Compiled Laws provide for a number of sentence deferrals and delays which can keep misdemeanor convictions off of your record.
Pleading guilty to a misdemeanor or felony charge without consulting an attorney.
Do not plead guilty to anything before seeking proper legal advice. A guilty conviction may have substantial consequences, impairing your ability to keep your job, obtain a new job, or get into college. Another reason why you need legal representation when charged is because often times a Prosecutor will not avail a non-represented defendant to the best deals that apply to his/her circumstances.